ASSOBIM has developed a BIM Application Report in Italy in 2020 called ASSOBIM BIM Report 2020 [2]. Below are the most important parts of the report:

ASSOBIM was created with the aim of representing the "technological" supply chain of Building Information Modeling with the aim of promoting digitization in the construction sector, supporting the OPEN BIM approach to collaboration in design, construction and management of buildings and infrastructures and raise awareness among institutions to support the development of BIM in the world of the built environment.

The sample interviewed - made up in large numbers starts from design studios (over 52% of the sample) and engineering company (17.1%), with a number of collaborators over below ten units in almost 68% of cases (they were 76% in 2019) and a turnover below one million euros in 70% of cases (compared to 75% of the last edition) - reflects in the essential characteristics the scale of Italian professional realities, thus making the picture emerging from the responses to the questionnaire particularly faithful: beyond the half of the sample knows and uses the BIM methodology, while a further 40% know it but do not use it or make it a partial use, and only a marginal number of operators (just over 10%) do not is aware of these results substantially in line with those of the last edition of the survey.

For this purpose the investigation included a series of questions to test the real degree of perception of the operational, economic and competitive advantages offered from BIM among the operators in the sector. The results they are significant in several respects: beyond 80% of the sample (10% more than the 2019), first of all, he is in fact very or quite convinced that the adoption of BIM is able to contribute strongly (up to a third less) to the reduction of the initial cost of construction and costs related to the entire life cycle of the building, as well as the reduction (up to 50% less) of the total time for carrying out the work, from the start upon completion of the works. Equally significant is the appreciation shown by champion in relation to another strength of the BIM methodology, i.e. the ability to reduce variations on site to solve interference and design defects, a theme that the interviewees (over 93%) almost unanimously agree with. They remain the reservations, already highlighted in the latest edition of the survey, about the possible contribution provided by the adoption of BIM to the reduction trade imbalances between imports and exports of components and materials from construction, aspect on which two thirds of the sample continues to express doubts. Even the answers to a question dedicated to the impact of BIM in terms of time / cost reduction and competitiveness in genre in the context of projects carried out by survey participants confirm the trends outlined by these data: over 60% of the sample (5% more than the last edition) considers the adoption of Building Information to be very or quite advantageous Modeling, a further 17% believe that it is sufficient benefits, while only 7% consider them inadequate.

Finally, one last block of the questionnaire focused on the perception of the opportunities and criticalities highlighted by the methodology BIM among specialized operators. As for the prime, is largely unanimous (almost 90%) the consensus that BIM represents the future of the management of information relating to the project, construction and management / maintenance and allows, as already mentioned, significant savings also on management and maintenance costs of the work (77%), as well as better coordination of the various related documents at work (87%), cost optimization (67%), faster management of the order (66%), the possibility of approaching new sectors and types of projects (62%) and, last but not least, an easier projection on international markets (76%). In the face of these and other elements of strong positivity and awareness of the strategic role that BIM is increasingly destined to play in the creation, implementation and maintenance of as constructed, some responses also highlighted the inevitable criticalities and difficulties that the adoption and extensive use of this methodology entails for operators e in relations with the market. They remain for example strong doubts, expressed by almost 70% of the sample (two percentage points more than in the last edition), about the fact that customers are not yet able to understand the advantages offered by Building Information Modeling, what which consequently requires the adoption of actions aimed at spreading this awareness also among the recipients / end users of the work. A fact, this, partially rebalanced by the conviction expressed by about half of the sample, that's the question of adoption of BIM by clients and customers will be targeted to some extent increase in the near future. High also awareness on the part of operators (88%, substantially in line with last year) about the fact that the adoption of BIM inevitably involves a series of changes in procedures, practices and flows work on their own structures and processes. Between the critical issues and obstacles most perceived by operators in implementation the lack of BIM continues to stand out of internal skills, highlighted by 67% of the sample (five percentage points more compared to 2019), of adequate training (72%, compared to 65% of the last edition) and, not surprising in the light of the present economic stage, implementation costs and the endowment of capital goods (75%). A persistent lack of demand represents a further critical factor for 68% of the panel, as well as the lack of clarity in public clients and in the Informative Specifications (70%), difficulties in developing interoperability (67%) and lack of time (58%). A final note on the disciplinary areas of use of BIM software. Over 52% of the sample (9% more than last year) declares to adopt BIM platforms for architectural design, 10% use it for the structural one, while the plant engineering sector is growing up to 9%.

[2] ASSOBIM BIM Report 2020 - ASSOBIM Association - Corso Raffaello, 12 - 10126 Turin - - ​​ % 2F% 2Fdownload% 2F4338% 2F & sa = D & sntz = 1 & usg = AFQjCNHWsx8DclOBTLrmXsTpWw-S-CamaA


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