about us

BIM4WORLD Group was established to gather people and knowledge in the field of BIM. From today until the beginning, updating or expanding knowledge, data, application or BIM techniques on a regular basis. In the methodology of learning 4D +. Thanks to this, it will be possible to outline positions between users and then other BIM people using group experience.

"When implementing BIM into my work environment, I came across a serious problem. Where does it end and where does it begin? Defining BIM boundaries has proved impossible. The beginning can be referred to the history of technology but it is not enough for information. As the second pillar of BIM methodology. It existed from always. And only the way of its production and distribution has changed. And over the last 30 years a huge change. It is constantly changing and rather this change will accelerate, not slow down. In the maze of information I read, I found only specialized pieces of the puzzle, for self assembly. Arranging individual textbooks, standards, data, information, missions, guidelines, instructions and other useful things becomes problematic due to their continuous and geometrically determinate evaluation. Therefore, my approach to the problem changed over time from linear, through three-dimensional, to cloud version. And so from the methodologist and 2D through 3D I came to 4D. Today you can now put it in a logical whole with a 10D level dedicated to BIM. Therefore, understanding a cloud of information without a guide, and the right groups of guides, becomes impossible. Then I decided to set up a group of BIM people associated with technology and working on data every day. You are cordially invited. " Tom Mau Gee


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