Excerpts from the 2020 update of the annual NASTEPC BIM Education Report - Global Update Report 2020 [2]:
In January 2014, NATSPEC published the first version of the report summarizing the state of BIM education in several countries and regions around the world. The report has been updated and renewed each year with this report being version 7.0 of what is not an annual update of the original report. Countries and regions covered in previous versions of the report have the option to update their sections to reflect their current state of BIM education.
Since then, the report has been updated and renewed every year, with this report being version 7.0 of what is now an annual update of the original report. original report. This seventh edition of the report provides information for 18 countries / regions. In early 2020, NATSPEC again contacted respondents who contributed to the previous versions of the report, offering them the opportunity to update their information. Even after the COVID-19 pandemic on everyone, NATSPEC is pleased to announce that the COVID-19 pandemic has responded to this year's update. the best so far, with 17 countries / regions providing an update. In the absence of a response from a previous colleague, it is assumed that the status of BIM education in their country or region has remained unchanged. This report summarizes the responses received. As in previous versions, this report relies solely on the responses provided; it is not an attempt to fully explore and document the state of BIM education / awareness in each country / region.
AUSTRALIA - There are 43 universities in Australia. Of these, 23 institutions say they use BIM in their programs. BIM education at these institutions covers a wide variety of courses and schools / departments. This includes the Faculty of Science, Engineering and the Building Environment in Deakin; The Built Environment School at QUT; School of Natural and Construction Environments at UniSA; and the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering at Swinburne University of Technology. However, BIM education extends beyond the higher education sector and has been extended to VET institutions. The most important of these is TAFE. Many TAFE (technical) colleges offer courses where BIM is integrated into the curriculum as well as short BIM courses. For example, in Western Australia, North Metropolitan TAFE runs a short 3-day course called "Introduction to BIM". These programs mainly focus on the use of BIM software packages. The topic of BIM management or work procedures in a collaborative environment is generally not covered. Today, most Australian universities offering AEC-related courses have BIM in their courses, either in the form of providing BIM-specific subjects or as part of other subjects in their curricula. The pace of BIM integration is showing tremendous progress. At least 86% have BIM as the main content of standalone items. 78% of AEC colleges have included BIM in non-BIM subjects. Perfect BIM integration into the course, namely having standalone BIM units along with integration with other subjects, is claimed by less than half of BIM teachers. In terms of BIM education experience, BIM education in Australia resembles a young training experience. About 40% of institutions started their BIM education 3-6 years ago; 40% started just 1-3 years ago; only 10% had more than 6 years of experience in BIM education; and 10% started their programs less than a year ago.
CANADA - The number of colleges and universities offering BIM programs in the last few years has increased in Canada, at both undergraduate and graduate levels, in engineering and architecture departments, in addition to the numerous BIM courses offered by continuing education departments at many Private initiatives also offer training online and face-to-face on a variety of topics, from collaboration, through implementation plans, to specific BIM issues. Several building associations have also launched their own training programs with a focus on their perspective. The goal of the buildingSMARTCanada (bSC) Education Committee and Canada BIM Council (CanBIM) is to support and support the development of BIM education initiatives in Canada to ensure that a coherent and appropriate BIM education and training landscape meets, meets, and beats the realities of an ever-evolving industry. suitable for them. As part of a concentrated effort to enrich Canada's BIM ecosystem, the CanBIM Professional Certification Program was launched in 2014 to understand BIM-related skills and knowledge as well as professional competences and abilities in the AECOO industry. benchmarks and benchmarks for education and training purposes. This program started the pro CanBIM Foundations certification program, which helps educational institutions adapt their curriculum to the needs and expectations of the industry by setting course and program outcomes. To date, the CanBIM Foundations certification program has certified more than 30 national and international BIM-related courses or programs. Another goal of the bSC / CanBIM Education Committee is to provide a national and international reference point for openBIM training.
CHILE - BIM education has grown at all academic levels in Chile. During postgraduate studies in 2019 and at the beginning of 2020, CORFO (Economic Development Agency of the Ministry of Economy) awarded 647 scholarships for four different BIM trainings under Human Capital. Scholarship program. These courses specifically focus on BIM for the review, modeling, design and construction of MEP systems. The course content is linked to the role matrix published by Planbim in 2017. This brings the total number of BIM-related Fellowships awarded by CORFO to a total of Progress is also continuing at the university level, where 90% of universities that have AEC-related degrees are currently teaching BIM. This means 87% of the 108 programs existing in 2019 include BIM content in their mandatory courses. At school level in 2019 The first e + bimpilot was carried out. The initiative, led by Planbim and the Ministry of Education - with the support of 17 professional associations, private companies and academic institutions - is to integrate BIM into the curricula of technical schools. In January 2019, 24 teachers and students from six technical universities were trained. by professors from Duoc - higher education institutions - and Comgrap - software vendors. These teachers then incorporated the BIM content they learned into their curricula during the 2019 academic year, and more than 160 students were taught BIM. The pilot project ended in December 2019 with the Internship Phase. Planbim managed to gather internships for 34 of these students at renowned architecture, engineering and construction companies (such as C&D and Badia y Soffia Architects, which were part of the original task force that supported the project). practical application of BIM in real projects. Over 20% of students received offers to continue working in these companies. This is a major success for the project as its ultimate goal is to increase the employability of technicians - who drop out repeatedly - and also indicates that there is a strong interest in hiring technicians with BIM expertise. Given the commitment generated by the first version of e + bim, in 2020 the initiative was expanded to 47 schools in four different regions of the country. Thanks to this, BIM education will reach 1,250 students this year. The goal is for all technical drawing or construction specializations to be included in BIM in the future. (...) Mibim In October 2019, the BIM implementation matrix, i.e. Mibim, was launched. It was developed in cooperation with representatives of the public, private and academic sectors. Mibim is a platform designed to help organizations objectively evaluate their current state of BIM implementation. The matrix is organized according to the three phases of using BIM in an organization: Planning, Implementation and Maintenance. The activities included in these phases are broken down into four pillars: strategy, people, processes and technology. By selecting the percentage of progress for the different activities that make up the matrix, the platform calculates the overall maturity level of the organization and the maturity level associated with each pillar and phase. The resulting level of maturity is accompanied by a report indicating the organization's ongoing activities and recommendations for necessary implementation activities in the event of a need to raise the current level of maturity. By March 2020, five months after its launch, 177 companies applied for evaluation in the platform, incl. as well as 28 public institutions and 17 universities in Chile and more.
CHINA - In August 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban and Rural Development of the People's Republic of China (MOHURD) published an Outline of IT Development in Construction for 2016-2020. It proposes to "focus on the introduction of BIM and other information technology professionals, cultivate interdisciplinary IT proficient talents and professional knowledge, strengthen training in information technology applications, and thereby increase the computerization capacity of all employees." It is estimated that over the next five years, companies in China will have a combined demand for 1.3 million BIM workers. Universities, associations, industrial alliances, enterprises and training institutions in China provide various types of education and training activities. Nowadays Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, Zhejiang University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chongqing University and other colleges and universities offer BIM courses in Engineering Management. These include development history, technology application, and design application. BIM has also been combined with some traditional courses such as design evaluation, technical drawing, computer aided design etc. In addition, some activities from the school-enterprise merger and the Manufacturing, Science and Research Association are being carried out to promote BIM. technician training and technical applications such as: - BIM-based application design competition, skills competition and case exhibition competition. -BIM technology seminar, training meeting, case study. -Seminar on BIM integration with the Internet of Things (IoT), GIS, artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. - BIM research project, standards / guidelines, software development etc. So far, training in BIM Autodesk Revit, Bentley MicroStation, TeklaStructures, Graphisoft ArchiCAD, etc.
CZECH REPUBLIC - There is a lot of BIM education and training in the Czech Republic as part of seminars, workshops and BIM presentations by CAS (Czech standardization agency), CzBIM (Czech BIM Council), universities, software suppliers, companies, technical chambers, etc. In November 2019 CAS has published the BIMEDUreport report, which describes the state of teaching at Czech public universities. The focus was on the 5 main Czech universities where AEC is taught. Leading Czech technical universities have been introducing BIM into their curricula for several years. This was done mainly as standalone items or as innovations to common items. The content of the subjects would vary according to the branch of study, both at the undergraduate and graduate level. There is an effort to find interactions between items and connect them together, in addition to existing individual items focused on 3D CAD software or other special items. However, this realization of the interconnection between subjects or disciplines (to be collaborative) is also one of the greatest obstacles to implementing BIM in teaching. There is currently no branch of study that has directly focused on BIM. Other obstacles include, for example: the lack of BIM standardization in the Czech Republic (still ongoing), insufficient qualifications of teachers, lack of study materials and models of adequate quality, lack of money. BIM is still part of research and development projects on a regular basis. Universities also connect more with specialists in both research and education. BIM is also implemented in high schools (especially in technical schools), mainly in 3D CAD-based subjects. In 2019, there was also a significant change in the update of the Educational Framework Programs (RVP). As part of them, proposals for updating the RVP were prepared so that upper secondary schools of a construction nature could adapt BIM to their school educational programs from the school year 2021/2022. (....) Both public and private investors have started pilot projects to try out BIM. There is increasing cooperation between major Czech organizations in the field of pilot projects, both in the field of infrastructure and buildings. Some of the major contractors are running their own pilot projects. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic recommended the IFC format for the transmission of information during the entire life cycle of the building in April 2019. and try BIM ”, make designs in 3D CAD software and add useful information, collaborate, try an open format such as IFC. However, it is a slow process and many people are still a bit afraid of BIM or just waiting, the main reasons being the difficulty and cost of switching to other software and processes, having to go through related education / training, and the lack of best practices and Czech BIM standards.
FINLAND - Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) and Institutes of Vocational Training provide their students with BIM education. All current construction and architecture students learn BIM to some extent embedded in their professional courses, and some UAS also provide an entire bachelor's degree in architectural education where the key areas are modeling (BIM) and the use of models: visualization, renovation, building maintenance, Life Cycle Thinking and Energy Efficiency. Various courses are also integrated with various AEC programs, eg BIM in Construction Manufacturing; BIM for structural engineering; Simulation tools for construction services, BIM in housing construction projects (integrating BIM holistically into the construction process) In many regions of Finland, some UAS have introduced BIM for companies, public sector clients and officials in research and development, education and training projects. These projects were funded by the EU, government and the private sector. These projects developed new BIM education and training methods for a variety of groups such as designers, customers, contractors, homeowners, building permits and fire safety, and other officials. Some vocational colleges offer lifelong learning related to BIM, eg Use of CAD-BIM for HVAC on construction sites. The new study program for designer assistants has been updated with BIM inclusion in each study module (implementation started in August 2018) (...) -COBIM, the common national BIM requirements, was published in March 2012 and is now widely used. The translations of the requirements into English, German, Estonian and Spanish were also completed, and four Annexes for building owners were published. Updating the COBIM guidelines is currently underway. (...) BIM is now in daily use in Finland. Large companies such as Skanska, NCC, YIT, SRV and others use BIM for 100% of their own production. In addition, application-specific BIM (training) sessions are organized on a regular basis depending on the profession and activity. Public sector clients use BIM in some of their projects. In Finland, BIM always means applying open standards: IFC for buildings and LandXML for infrastructure. BIM Education and Training was conducted for VET teachers and interested UAS teachers as a project promoting the integration of BIM education at all levels of education from the funds of the Ministry of Education.
FRANCE - The national education authorities in France envisaged a reform of technical graduates in 2011, introducing BIM obligations in the field of architecture and construction. More and more technical and vocational high schools postulate the use of BIM in project implementation, thanks to which, during internships, students bring their own digital skills to companies, and at the same time learn about business. (...) From 2015, the French government launched the national PTNB program, followed by the BIM 2022 program, aimed at promoting the use of BIM throughout the territory, targeting SMEs in the construction industry. Thus, a standardization strategy was developed and recognized by the EU-BIM task force as a lever to adopt BIM in public procurement. Another activity of the PTNB was the creation of a BIM skills reference for project management companies and construction SMEs. Of course, a professional must first and foremost remain a technician with knowledge of collaborative processes and the use of BIM as a tool (not a last resort). (...) Generalizing BIM for all actors, in all types of projects, both public and private, has been going on continuously since 2014. Thus, in 2019, BIM reached 66% of overall adoption in France. More specifically, for example, 42% of architectural agencies are implementing BIM practices in 2020.
HONG KONG - The Construction Industry Council (CIC) continues to develop as a center of excellence in BIM, formulating market transformation strategies and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and the wider use of BIM. CIC has expanded the spectrum of BIM training at the BIM Innovation and Development Center. In addition to Basic BIM Modeling, Advanced Modeling, and Data Management, CIC offers additional day and night courses covering BIM Modeling for Civil Engineering, BIM Object Development, and BIM Management in the areas of information management at various stages of construction projects. To meet the strategic goals and development of CIC, the Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) was established, which from January 2019 is responsible for BIM-related courses. CIC converted the free and open BIM seminar and workshop to version 2.0 and provided more comprehensive content to broaden the knowledge and understanding of industry practitioners about BIM technology and the transformation process. CIC also organizes BIM interviews, inviting local BIM experts to share their successful BIM implementations in real projects. BIM Portal and CIC YouTube Channel To support collaboration with universities in developing BIM teaching courses and bring BIM knowledge to higher education, CIC has signed a Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with nine local higher education institutions, including the University of Hong Kong, University of Science and Of Technology in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) and Technological and Hong Kong's Higher Education Institute (THEi). (...) In August 2019, CIC published two new BIM standards, namely BIM Standards for Mechanical Electricaland Plumbing and BIM Standards for Underground Utilities, to develop and establish BIM standards for specific BIM applications and disciplines. In December 2019, we published the CIC BIM Standards for Preparation for the submission of statutory plans to provide general guidance for reference, and in December 2019, CIC held the International BIM Conference as one of the 2019 Construction Innovation Expo (CIExpo) 2019 Highlights.
JAPAN - In the roadmap prepared for the government's 2019 development strategies, BIM in private construction will be promoted until 2025 and the goal is the same as i-Construction, which is to improve productivity by 20%. The BIM Promotional Round Table was created within MLIT, the Construction Guidance Division of Housing Offices in April 2019. During the BIM Promotion Round Table, 5 working groups were created, dealing with the following topics: -WG1. Establish a standard BIM workflow. -WG2. Object library development. -WG3. BIM support for confirming construction. -WG4. Measurement Survey and Building Classification Code for BIM.-WG5. Developing a Common Data Environment (CDE) The first edition of the BIM Standard Workflow was launched as the first fruit of the BIM Promotion Round Table.
NETHERLANDS - BIM is taught at all three Dutch technical universities both at bachelor and master levels. All 14 universities of applied sciences with a department of the built environment are organized in the BIM education network by the national Council for Digitization of Buildings (BDR). The network aims to exchange and develop educational methods, experiences and teaching materials. In practice, member universities tend to stick to their own approach. The Netherlands has over 40 institutions for secondary vocational education (ROC). The use of BIM by these institutions is also increasing. There are many commercial postgraduate training providers, often affiliated with software development companies. Their training is often considered to be more up-to-date than formal education courses. It is generally noted that there is an abundance of education and training at the level of mastery of specific tools (software). There are far fewer courses that focus on roles such as a modeller, job planner, or BIM coordinator. There is also a lack of fundamental approaches that put the construction process at the center and how digitization is changing the process. (...) BDR is the successor to the former Building Information Council (BIR) and aims to develop a strategic BIM policy in the construction and construction industries. DigiDealGO was launched in 2019 as an initiative to accelerate the digitization of the built environment. One of its main goals is to support the development of the Digital Framework for the Built Environment (DSGO). The BIM BDR educational network was created in 2013 to raise awareness of BIM among faculty. In 2017, the network presented its first version of the minimum BIM level for BIM knowledge graduates from all 14 applied universities. The BIM Learning Network organized its first annual BIM Education Conference in 2017. This conference was successfully repeated in 2018 and 2019.
NEW ZEALAND - BIMinNZ provides several training resources including the BIM101-An Insight Seminar booklet and the BIM Productivity Benefits Guide to help the industry "argue for using BIM with real examples of the economic benefits it can bring." The NZ Institute of Quantity Surveyors collaborated with its Australian organization to develop the aBIM Best Practice Guideline "- a guide for quantitative appraisers, cost managers or cost estimators wishing to get involved in a BIM-based project" (...) the third version of the NZ BIM Handbook. The purpose of the New Zealand BIM Handbook is to promote the use of BIM and its benefits, and to create, maintain and operate high-quality construction assets in New Zealand. Developed in collaboration with industry at every stage, the Handbook is intended for the New Zealand construction sector, but is based on BIM best practices from around the world. The manual tracks the normal progress of the project, from design to operation, and documents a consistent approach, using a common language, to BIM in New Zealand. (...) The BIM Benchmark study was conducted for the sixth consecutive year. It conforms to an industry control group made up of large and influential organizations in a New Zealand built environment. The number of projects using BIM has remained at 59% this year after a slight increase in 2018. “BIM is still not the status quo when undertaking construction projects. We need to weigh the costs of BIM against the benefits of having as-built data in the form of a model. This is sometimes difficult to justify. ”The use of BIM in projects is expected to increase, but todayThis has been happening for several years and the increases have not led to actual absorption.
NORWAY - All civil engineering and civil engineering universities include BIM in their studies. Universities such as NTNU and OsloMet run BIM courses where buildingSMART standards are a formal part of the curriculum. ) support annual BIM student seminars attended by 250+ students. NTNU has established a two-year Master's program in Independent Construction Processes. Four university colleges in Norway offer one-year programs in BIM specialization. The growing market demand for BIM competences in the construction industry requires specialist education. bSN supports BIM education to raise awareness of the importance of digitization for the construction industry and infrastructure. There are approximately 50 undergraduate and graduate theses in BIM each year in which the members of the BSN are industry partners. All bachelor's and master's theses are published on the bSNweb website. In 2014, BSN issued an educational program focusing on collaboration and work in a multi-industry open BIM environment. The educational program is free for bSN member organizations, and several private course providers have developed courses based on this program, which was used as the basis for the buildingSMART International (bSI) Professional Certification Program.
SINGAPORE - There are 11 Institutes of Higher Education (MPH) providing full-time and part-time programs with the BIM / VDC (Virtual Design & Construction) / IDD (Integrated Digital Delivery) curriculum. External BIM software vendors also played a key role in training, especially for professionals. To date, nearly 15,500 students and professionals have been trained in BIM / VDC / IDD. The Institute of Technical Education (technical university) has incorporated BIM, mainly in terms of software capabilities, into its skills qualification programs for architectural, civil and structural space design, engineering design and design of object systems. Four of the five polytechnic universities provide BIM modules in and beyond the three discipline lines, for example in programs related to sustainability. Five of the six universities offer BIM modules in undergraduate and graduate programs. Nanyang Technological University and the National University of Singapore have also launched Centers of Excellence in BIM to focus on developing BIM R&D capabilities. BCA Academy, the education and research department of the Building Office, is taking the lead, going beyond BIM and virtual design and construction. methodologies into integrated digital delivery concepts for your curriculum. BIM / VDC / IDD content is incorporated into full-time BCAA degree programs covering all disciplines along the construction value chain, joint degree programs between BCAA and universities such as Singapore University of Social Sciences and the University of Newcastle (Australia), and the Master's Degree Program cooperating with the University of Florida Currently, BCAA offers four specialized diplomas in BIM, VDC and Computational BIM (Building and Infrastructure) and six certification courses in the field of BIM Modeling (for Architecture, Structural and MEP), Management, Planning for Owners Facility Managers and Coordination of Members . BCAA also organizes seminars, workshops and short courses on BIM / VDC / IDD, eg in the areas of BIM Quantity Take Off, BIM Scheduling and Process Management, Computational BIM, BIM for Building Lifecycle and Facility Management and Data Analytics. More than 13,100 students and professionals have been trained through BCAA programs related to BIM / VDC / IDD. DfMA and IDD Leadership Program: BCAA also launched the Lean and Virtual Construction (CLVC) Center at the end of 2015. As the first immersive and experimental facility of its kind for BIM, VDC and Lean Construction, to encourage MPH and industry companies to use the Center for purposes training and experimental. Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL) Academy has also trained over 200 students from member companies in BIM software. The Singapore Institute of Architects also runs programs that engage their members in managing and implementing BIM.
SOUTH AFRICA - BIM Academy Africa has partnered with 16 universities and colleges to offer several different university-level BIM course curricula. Changing curricula at universities in South Africa (RSA) is a tense and time-consuming activity, so it will take many years to get mainstreamed. However, some universities have introduced BIM from a software perspective in the form of REVIT or ARCHICAD courses. Most of them are independent or short courses, completely separate from the university's core curriculum. Lecturers and employees of universitiesRSA generally lacks knowledge and understanding of BIM, so understanding the nuances and complexities of BIM processes (much less lecture) is a challenge and therefore the topic is ignored or completely ignored. The situation is further aggravated by the traditional reluctance (or explicit refusal) to share information between departments in AEC learning spaces, which hampers the development of joint courses. However, improving skills in the workplace looks better. At the end of 2018, BIM Academy Africa (in cooperation with UKWhitefrog) established the first African strategic BIM implementation for Ethiopian ministries as part of the Ethiopian Construction Project Management Institute (ECPMI). BIM Academy Africa has also trained and internationally accredited 478 professionals on various BIM courses while providing hundreds of SA students (Wits, TUT, UCT and DUT) online access to (Africa's largest educational portal for BIM education). (... Despite the lack of any private or public funding, the BIM Institute has developed a National South African BIM Guide for designers and operators in an effort to align with international standards. There is still a struggle against some technology vendors who want to create a monopoly on BIM solutions. New local online book BIM-It's your move by Vaughan Harris has been published. The book does not limit readers to the current state of BIM in Africa. It encourages professionals to rediscover themselves and the sector they work in by having an honest and insightful hand guiding (and sometimes kicking) in the right direction.
SWEDEN - BIM knowledge education is now changing from a more technical focus on modeling, information transfer and visualization, to collaborative management tasks, requirements management and organizational strategies with BIM. In universities, BIM know-how in software and Information Generation is now more structured in the form of self-learning exercises, with an emphasis on project-based use of BIM in construction processes. Examples of BIM coordination, the smooth flow of information in systems and the simulation of multidisciplinary scenarios are now used in university education. Updated mapping of BIM courses and courses with BIM-related assignments is stable for universities with the following data: -8 Master's programs (300 HP) offering BIM education in Sweden. -21 undergraduate programs (180 HP) offering BIM education in Sweden. - 11 two-year university programs (120 HP) offering BIM education in Sweden. Swedish universities offer 135 BIM courses for a total of 840 HP, which is approximately 14 years of study.
SWITZERLAND - Several partners provide this part in Switzerland: Focusing mainly on Open BIM, Technical Universities and Universities of Advanced Sciences offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Universities of Zurich and Lausanne are developing BIM by offering CAS, DAS and MAS programs: -ETH Zurich (University of Science and Technology Zurich) additionally runs two research laboratories: BRG (Block Research Group) and National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. - In addition to the above-mentioned EPFL programs (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) researching an interoperability platform between building information modeling and building energy modeling, as well as a road plan for BIM implementation in the state of Geneva, universities also offer undergraduate studies and lifelong learning: - The study program of the Institute of Digital Construction at FHNW (University of Applied Sciences and Arts North-western Switzerland) focuses on digitization-driven change. The integration of VDC (Virtual Design and Construction) in all construction disciplines has a clear priority. - At ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), lifelong learning focuses on the area of Facility Management and Life Cycle Costs, including BIM. - This fall, the buildingSMART Certification Program will be part of an undergraduate course for the first time. BFH (Berne University of Applied Sciences) also offers CAS in digital planning, building and use. - At the same time of year, the new Digital Construction degree program will begin focusing on Construction Technology and Structural Engineering at HSLU (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts). It is the only digital construction program in Switzerland and unique in Europe for its interdisciplinary structure. As part of lifelong learning, simulation courses with BIM and competence development in the procurement process are offered. - The Lifelong Learning Program at HES-SO Friborg (University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Western Switzerland) includes CAS in BIM Coordination. - HSR University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil joins the BIM for Infrast moduleructure and is also the provider of the buildingSMART certification program Increasingly, private training institutions are taking a leading role in the field of training. Software vendors are pushing mostly, and it is not surprising that a closed BIM page. In contrast, the buildingSMART certification program offers openBIM enhancement courses. More and more training is offered for non-academic professionals who plan to enter the BIM area. However, training and education at a more basic level is still very rare.
UNITED KINGDOM - BIM AcademicForum (BAF - discussed later) published Embedding Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the Teaching Curriculum 2013 and The Current Position and Related Challenges of BIM Education in UK Higher Education in 2015. This latest report indicated that BIM higher education is now becoming commonplace at various levels, albeit ad hoc and without consequences. This is mainly caused by individual academics or schools / departments that have a particular interest in the BIM area and recognize its importance in educating professionals. Over the past few years, a number of BIM-specific programs have emerged at the graduate level. Many BIM-specific programs at the BTEC level have also started to appear. In addition to the architecture and construction disciplines, there is generally low interest in incorporating BIM into teaching in disciplines related to the built environment. Thanks to an innovative solution in which BIM is fully embedded in programs / modules, the architecture maintains a significant advantage over all other disciplines of the built environment. BAF held its first international conference at Glasgow Caledonian University on September 13-15, 2016. It brought together delegates from industry and academia to discuss aspects related to education and training, processes and standards, strategy and implementation, knowledge management and decision support , BIM maturity and assessment, resource transfer and operational management, technology. The program also included workshops to explore the possibility of creating a European BIM Academic Network to bring together European national BIM academic forums. Currently, the BAF is focused on producing the first report on embedding BIM in the taught curriculum by exploring disciplinary perspectives at the undergraduate level. The BAF is also aligning its operations to support the UK BIM Alliance and in particular the upskilling workflow. In Great Britain, secondary, further (FE) and tertiary (HE) education are decentralized and in Scotland they fall under the responsibility of the government. According to sources published in 2018, Scotland has 26 FE colleges and 18 universities. Although the Scottish Government acts as the funding agency for built environment programs for higher education, accreditation is usually undertaken by professional bodies. (PBs) Over the past year, several environmental PBs have focused on supporting the transition from PAS 1192 to the ISO 19650 BIM suite of standards. The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) is an executive non-financial public body The Scottish Government is responsible for the accreditation of secondary education awards and FE. SQA acts as a single awarding body to design, develop and validate qualifications and to ensure the quality of education and training institutions that offer SQA awards. SQA also publishes the Scottish Credit and Qualifications (SCQF) framework, which offers a structured and graded path (levels 1-12) for education and training that covers secondary and tertiary qualifications and maps the equivalences between FE / HE education and workplace learning Work As part of the FE service, the current set of rewards for the built environment is refreshed. The SQA Architectural Technology Review team is in the process of creating revised HNC and HND programs. From a very positive point of view, it seems that the profile of interdisciplinary activities will be raised as part of the personal awards. It is likely that the BIM Professional Development Award (PDA) will be offered as an optional 30-credit unit. A BCTG Construct-funded research project led by Glasgow College has now published a mixed learning resource to help the Scottish construction sector close its technical skill gaps by offering construction managers access to online learning resources, including an introductory module in BIM. Heriot Watt, Strathclyde, Glasgow Caledonian and the University of West of Scotland remain committed to BIM, either by awarding personal awards and / or by embedding BIM / digital in teaching and undergraduate / postgraduate research. Pockets of knowledge have developed. This includes the squareGlasgow School of Art Simulation and Visualization, which explores the interfaces between science and technology using advanced digital 3D visualization and interaction technology. The Scan-vs-BIMconcept program of Heriot Watt University investigated the comparison of 3D reality capture point clouds with BIM models to offer opportunities to improve construction project delivery, for example through quality control in design and construction processes. Robert Gordon University Scott Sutherland School of Architecture and the Built Environment continues to participate in interdisciplinary built environment projects through ERASMUS European links and the International Congress of Architectural Technologies (ICAT) networks. The cooperation is developing through partnerships with centers in Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. Typically, undergraduate projects develop simulated BIM projects in team working environments within real protocols such as ISO 19650. These projects use digital media to facilitate the development of an analytical approach to deep learning in areas fundamental to built environment education; site evaluation, short term development The Construction Scotland Innovation Center (CSIC) is one of eight industry-led, demand-driven innovation centers supported by the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and 14 Scottish University partners.
UNITED STATES - There are 135 universities, both private and public, that are accredited by the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NCARB) to conduct undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in architecture. The Institute of Technology is BIM in Constructionat Montana State University just to identify a few. There are also community colleges too numerous to list that provide BIM classes with Revit, but these classes do not lead to the accredited degree in architecture that is required in Many of these universities provide research programs for advanced applicants with a focus on on a range of topics including design technology at GeorgiaTech School of Architecture and Texas A&M University BIMSIM Lab that focus on building information modeling and simulation. Penn State University College of Engineering now offers a new Special Course, BIM and Execution Planning (AE 576). The literature reads: "The course is open to everyone: Penn State students enrolled in all campuses, including the World Campus, students enrolled in other universities, and those who are not currently seeking a master's degree or certification may enroll in college." The University of Washington is also teaching new BIM classes. This spring, the university is offering, through the Department of Construction Management, a BIM Certificate Course for three credit units. Community Colleges also provide classes, as at the Seminole State College of Florida, offering a 3-credit 3D modeling course, including Revit instruction as the standard summer course, although there are many others that provide similar education. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has been supporting the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) for many years, which is an independent non-profit organization, entirely led by students from all over the country, dedicated to promoting the development of architecture. education in the USA. The AIAS Task Force on Learning, Design and Technology provides an online tool that provides a comprehensive list of software packages that graduates in design may encounter. These packages are broken down into the following categories: Drawing (CAD), Animation, Illustration Drawing, Digital modeling, rendering, BIM, diagramming and video. Each category has links to tutorials and instructions for different platforms. The General Contractors Association (AGC) is a sponsor and provides a structured program for those interested in the construction management pathway, obtaining certification in the areas of construction management - BIM. "Enhancing career opportunities for individuals and improving the performance of construction companies and industry." The first module, Building Information Modeling, covers 32 hours of intensive study. According to their website, “two national references for Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction. Those who have completed the entire BIM Educational Program or the Lean Construction Education Program are eligible to take the exam to obtain the Building Information Management-Modeling Certificate (CM-BIM) or the Management-Lean Construction Certificate (CM-Lean) "
As reported in previous years, it is clear from the responses received that BIM education and BIM awareness / dissemination are still at different levels of implementation around the world. Mostcountries report that BIM education is provided to architectural construction (AEC) students through their higher and technical education institutions. As previously reported, the number of courses offered does not increase significantly from year to year, except in countries such as Australia, Canada, Chile and Finland. While this may indicate that the number of courses offering some form of BIM education may be saturating in many countries, many countries and regions report that the content of such courses is now being expanded to include more sophisticated BIM elements such as BIM for FM. , Costing, openBIM information sharing, BIM management etc. Object to simple modeling and use of specific BIM software. Higher education institutions in most countries include structured BIM education in the AEC course program, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Australia, Chile, China, Finland, Norway, Sweden, UK and the USA report a significant number of courses and subjects available. Many vocational education institutions also provide BIM education for industry workers. Research in some countries shows that teachers face many challenges in integrating BIM into curricula, such as teachers' knowledge / skills base, available resources - both financial and physical - and simple resistance to change by educational institutions and their teachers. The lack of structured BIM learning activities, consistent across all educational institutions, has also been reported as an obstacle to progress in BIM education. Many countries also discussed in this year's report the introduction of buildingSMART International Professional Certification and how it will be implemented in their countries. It has also been noticed that many training providers are now looking for the requirements of this program to develop classes tailored to the requirements of the BIM industry. Other certification schemes to validate BIM professionals' knowledge of BIM are still reported in countries such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, the UK and the United States, have reported the existence or development of such programs in their respective countries. BIM awareness and BIM implementation seem to have reached a saturation point in many countries, and for many it is business as usual. However, this is not a strictly coherent global trend as BIM is widely used in countries such as Finland, Norway and Australia and is even required by the government in some countries such as Singapore and the UK while still only considered in others . such as the Czech Republic and South Africa. Overall, BIM education in each country and region is sufficiently covered in the fundamentals and practical technical skills of using individual BIM software packages. The challenge in many countries seems to be to go further, fully prepare students for the digital world in which they will operate, and equip them with the BIM skills that their industry will require in the future. However, as has been observed in previous years, cooperation and partnership between educational establishments and industry are improving, which should ultimately lead to a coordinated training solution that responds to industry needs.
[2] BIM EDUCATION - GLOBAL 2020 UPDATE REPORT - NATSPEC // Construction Information ICIS International Construction Information Society RELEASE VERSION: V7.0 RELEASE DATE: May 2020 COMPILER: Kevin Rooney (NATSPEC) COLLABORATORS - -
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