In 2016, the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany published the BIM guide for architects - Building Information Modeling BIM 2016 - [2]. The elements presented in it: the investment planning phases and clauses for project contracts covering the BIM project remain valid to this day. Of course, in 2020, an amendment to this manual was published, but I decided to present the 2016 prototype first. Below, he cites the assumptions of the facility planning phases in BIM:

Basic LPH study 1
a) Clarification of the task based on the specification or planning of customer requirements
b) Site visit
c) Advising on all research services and needs, including explanation of the planning method and client information requirements
d) Participation in the development of the BIM processing plan
e) Formulate decision aids for the selection of other technical planning participants, taking into account the chosen planning method
f) Summarizing, explaining and documenting the results

Pre-planning LPH 2 (design and preparation of planning
a) Analysis of the basics, coordination of service provision with those involved in planning according to the chosen planning method and participation in updating the BIM processing plan
b) Coordination of goals, reference to conflicting goals
c) Preparation of initial planning, testing, representation and evaluation of variants according to the same requirements, drawings or digital models on a scale depending on the type and size of the object
d) Explanation and explanation of the basic dependencies, requirements and conditions (e.g. urban planning, design, functional, technical, economic, ecological, building physics, energy management, social, public law)
e) Provision of work results as a basis for other planning parties and the coordination and integration of their services by creating and using their own digital model and the digital models of other planning parties
f) Preliminary negotiations on eligibility for approval
g) Cost estimation according to DIN 276 based on figures obtained from digital models, comparison with financial framework
h) Create a schedule with the basic processes of the planning and construction process
i) Summarize, explain and document the results

Planning LPH 3 project (system and integration planning)
a) Development of a draft plan taking into account relevant contexts, specifications and conditions (e.g. town planning, design, functional, technical, economic, ecological, social, public law) on the basis of initial planning and as a basis for further service phases and necessary public permits with the participation of others technical planning participants. Digital model according to the type and size of the object in the required scope and degree of detail, taking into account all technical requirements, eg in the case of buildings with a detail corresponding to the 1: 100 scale.
b) Providing work results as a basis for other planning parties as well as coordinating and integrating their services using their own digital model and the digital models of other planning parties.
c) Description of the property
d) Negotiations on eligibility for approval) Cost calculation according to DIN 276 based on figures from digital models and comparison with cost estimate
f) Updating the schedule g) Summarizing, explaining and documenting the results

Planning for LPH approval 4
a) Preparation and compilation of specimens and evidence of authorizations or approvals under public law, including requests for exceptions and waivers, as well as necessary negotiations with the authorities using contributions from other planning parties
b) Submission of templates from digital models
c) Complete and adjust planning documents, descriptions and calculations

Planning the implementation of LPH 5
a) Development of an implementation plan in the form of a digital model with additional results of graphic and text works and all individual information necessary for implementation on the basis of the design and acceptance plan up to the solution ready for implementation, as the basis for further service phases
b) Executive, detailed and construction plans in the form of a digital model according to the type and size of the property to the required extent and level of detail, taking into account all technical requirements, e.g. for buildings with a degree of detail that usually corresponds to a scale of 1:50. Detailed plans can be created to complement 2D drawings to the digital model.
c) Provision of work results as a basis for other planning parties as well as coordination and integration of their services within 10 Using own digital Mmodels and digital models of others technically involved in planning.
d) Updating the schedule
e) Update of the implementation plan due to industry processing during real estate construction.
f) Checking the necessary assembly models or plans of building structures and fastenings kstructural design planned by the property designer in terms of compliance with the executive plan

LPH 6 Preparation of the award
a) Establishing the allocation schedule
b) Preparation of service descriptions with service specifications by service area, quantification and compilation of quantities based on executive planning, in particular digital model, using input from other planning parties and their digital models
c) Agreeing and coordinating interfaces to service descriptions of those involved in planning
d) Determining the costs based on the specifications of the services estimated by the planner
e) Cost control by comparing the specifications of the services estimated by the planner with the costing
f) Preparation of tender documentation for all service areas

LPH 7 Participation in the selection of the offer
a) Coordinating the tasks of specialized planners
b) Acquiring offers
c) Checking and evaluating offers, including compiling a price comparison list by individual items or partial services, checking and evaluating offers for additional and changed services by the performing company, and price adequacy
e) Preparation of applications for the award of the contract, documentation of the contract award procedure
f) Development of contract documentation for all service areas g) Comparison of the tender results with the specification of services estimated by the designer or cost calculation
h) Participation in placing an order

LPH 8 property supervision (construction supervision) and documentation
a) Monitoring the construction of real estate for compliance with the permit or public approval, contracts with executive companies, executive documents (digital model), applicable regulations and generally recognized rules of technology 11
b) Monitoring the execution of structures with very low and low planning requirements for compliance with the proof of stability
c) Coordination of persons involved in property supervision
d) Setting, updating and monitoring the schedule (bar graph)
e) Documentation of the construction process (e.g. construction log)
f) Joint valuation with the executing company
g) Invoice verification including construction company dimensions check
h) Compare the results of invoice audits with the order amounts including supplements i) Control costs by checking the accounting of the construction companies' services against the contract prices j) Determining the costs, e.g. in accordance with DIN 276
k) Organization of the acceptance of construction works with the participation of other entities involved in property planning and supervision, fault detection, acceptance recommendation for the client
l) Application for admission to public use and participation in it m) Systematic development of documentation, graphic representations / digital models and arithmetic results of real estate
n) Transfer of real estate
o) List the limitation periods for claims for defects
p) Monitoring the elimination of defects identified during acceptance

LPH Property Management 9
a) Professional assessment of defects found during the limitation period for warranty claims, but no longer than five years from the receipt of the service, including necessary inspections
b) inspection of property in order to determine defects before the expiry of the limitation period for claims for defects against the executing company
c) Participation in the release of the deposit

[2] Building information modeling BIM 2016 - North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Architects - Matthias Pfeifer; Wolfgang Zimmer; Dr. Florian Hartmann; Dr. Jörg L. Bodden; Prof. Dr. Klaus Eschenbruch; Dr.-Ing. Thomas Liebich; October 2016


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